Name: Wheeldons Store/Wentworth Drapers (Bowrings)
Location: Darling Street, Wentworth
Use: Store
Constructed: 1860
Demolished: 0
Theme: Commerce
Condition: Fair, modified

Statement of Heritage Significance:

A brick building comprising two stores identified by a plain crested parapet. A footpath awning is supported by timber posts. An iron rain head is attached to the central post. The existing facade replaces an ornate parapet which displayed a decorative frieze with brackets and festoons and a curved pediment surrounded by two ornate pillars and acroterion. The existing awning exhibits some original elements.

The two stores originally comprised the single Bowrings Store, operated by William Bowring and Co, of Wentworth. The firm operated a large business in drapery, groceries, ironmongery, timber and iron, boots and shoes, and squatters requirements. In addition the firm operated a steamboat trade between South Australia and Wilcannia. Bowring opened a branch store at Mildura in 1888. William Bowring resided in Rendlesham house and was one of the first Mayors of Wentworth. The store was one of the busiest and notable features in Wentworth’s main street.

Encourage restoration to reinstate a replica of the original parapet and adopt original colour scheme and complimentary signage.

The Cyclopedia of Victoria

Recording Date: 15/11/1988

Film Frame Nos: