Draft Wentworth Region Tourism & Events Strategy 2029


In accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1993, notice is hereby given that Wentworth Shire Council has placed the following document on public display for a period of 28 days.

  • Draft Wentworth Region Tourism & Events Strategy 2029

Submissions may be made to Council in writing and received no later than Monday 23 September 2024.

Copies of these documents are available at the locations below:

Wentworth Shire Council office

26-28 Adelaide Street, Wentworth

Midway Service Centre

3 Midway Drive, Buronga


See draft documents below

Submissions can made:

In person: Wentworth Shire offices listed above

By mail: PO Box 81 Wentworth NSW 2648

By email: council@wentworth.nsw.gov.au

Draft Wentworth Region Tourism & Events Strategy 2029

Other Council Publications and reports can be found here

Survey now open: ‘Your Voice, Our Future’

A major new survey has been launched by the NSW Government in partnership with the Office for Regional Youth and the NSW Advocate for Children and Young People (ACYP) to engage with young people on issues that matter most to them.

The ‘Your Voice, Our Future’ survey is an opportunity for young people aged 14 to 24 to raise their voices, knowing that decision-makers will listen.

The survey will be used to inform decisions around the design of a new permanent voice for young people within the NSW Government.

The survey can be found at https://bit.ly/YourVoiceOurFuture-NSW

Flood Experience Survey

Were you affected by flooding between August 2022 and March 2023? Natural Hazards Research Australia currently has an online survey looking for the Wentworth Shire community to share their flood experiences. Submissions also have the chance to win one of ten $150 Woolworths vouchers. 

Every story is important as there were a wide range of flood impacts. Not everyone who was affected will have had water in their home or business. You may have chosen to spend the night away due to flood concerns, or perhaps your access roads were cut off by floodwaters and you were isolated for a period of time – all of these experiences are relevant.   

Be part of improving preparedness and response for floods and reduce future flood risk. 

This independent research is conducted by Natural Hazards Research Australia with RMIT, Macquarie University, Monash University and will aid in improving community safety and resilience in future floods. 

Find out more and complete the survey at  https://bit.ly/sa-vic-nsw 

Wentworth Shire Libraries is looking for feedback

Wentworth Shire Libraries would like to receive feedback from community members and library visitors.

Your feedback can help to tailor the future programs, events and services that the Libraries provide.

WaterNSW Pricing Proposal 2025-2030

Every four years, the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) sets the maximum charges for WaterNSW prices and ensures that WaterNSW proposed costs are fair, prudent and efficient.

For the next pricing period (2025-2030), WaterNSW must submit its draft water pricing proposal to IPART by September 2024, with new prices, regulated and set by IPART, to take effect from 1 July 2025. These determinations will affect Rural Valleys, Greater Sydney, and Water Administration Ministerial Corporation customers.

This pricing proposal engagement will look a little different to previous years. WaterNSW are expanding the breadth and depth of their engagement so that customers and stakeholders of all types – big and small – are offered the opportunity to be involved in decision-making.

In the second half of 2023, WaterNSW will start to examine price proposal issues and there will be a deeper dive into greater detail, with the website regularly updated. Price sharing issues, tariffs structures, and cost proposals will be examined into 2024. 

For further information or to get involved in the pricing proposal process, click or tap the button below.