Wentworth to Mildura Saturday bus service

From Saturday 17 December, customers in Wentworth will be able to travel to Mildura and back every Saturday.

The trial service aims to provide a new weekend connection to Mildura, to attend medical or health appointments, for shopping, sport and recreational activities and visiting family and friends.

Customers will have easier access to Mildura Base Hospital, Bunnings, the sporting precinct and shopping via a more direct route.

Following the trial, reviews will be undertaken to determine the future of the services.

Note: Public holidays are excluded

View the service timetable:


Wentworth Health Service Redevelopment

We’re looking for enthusiastic people to join an Arts Working Group to help drive the integration of art, culture and heritage into the new Wentworth Health Service Redevelopment to ensure it’s a place that is welcoming, promotes wellbeing and reflects the unique local community.

Download the Expression of Interest form to join the group and make a difference. Fill it out, save it and send it back to us! Applications close on Friday, 16 December 2022.

For more information please phone (02) 8838 8889 or email HI-Wentworth@health.nsw.gov.au

Download the Expression of Interest Form

Download the Application Form

Accessing Mental Health Services in NSW

Many people may be feeling anxious, worried or afraid within flood-affected communities.

Looking after the mental health of ourselves, friends and family is an important part of staying well.

If you need support, there are a number of services you can access for free.

The below websites have a mixture of self-guided mental health resources and programs as well as one-on-one connection to professionals through webchat, online counselling and phone services.

For further information, please view the flyer below.

Water Quality


Council continues to monitor water quality and advises it is currently compliant with Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.