
Subdivision works include all physical construction activity on land authorised to be carried out in connection with a subdivision under the conditions of a development consent. This includes all civil works associated to the development including earthworks, construction of water reticulation, sewerage and stormwater infrastructure, footpaths and roads. Under Section 6.13 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) a Subdivision Works Certificate is required before works can be undertaken.

Lodging Details:

By email:

In Person:

Wentworth Shire Council
61 Darling Street
Wentworth NSW 2648


Midway Service Centre
3 Midway Drive
Buronga NSW 2739

By mail:

Wentworth Shire Council
PO Box 81
Wentworth NSW 2648

Note: If paying by credit card, please complete the Credit Card Authorisation Form.