Post Consent Certification Applications (Construction Certificates)

Once you have lodged your Development Application or Complying Development Certificate, you have the opportunity to lodge a post-consent certificate; however, these applications will not be determined until the Development Application or Complying Development Certificate has been determined. These include:

  1. Construction Certificate Application,
  2. Occupation Certificate Application and
  3. Subdivision Certificate Application.

The table below shows which applications are required for different application types.

Construction Certificate ApplicationPrincipal Certifier AgreementOccupation Certificate ApplicationSubdivision Certificate Application
Complying Development CertificateYes
Lodged at the time of application through the Portal
Lodged as a Post-Consent application via the Portal
Development Application
(New building works)
Lodged at the time of application through the Portal
Lodged as a Post-Consent application via the Portal
Development Application
(New subdivision works)
Development Application
(No building works)
Lodged as a Post-Consent application via the Portal

Lodge your Post Consent Certificate Documentation

A Post Consent Certificate may be required for building works and for subdivision works. You can either:

  • Wait until you have a development consent issued, or
  • Lodge your applications after, or at the same time, you have made an application for a Development Application or Complying Development Certificate. The process for each is outlined below:

Building works

Council offers certification services for all new, and alterations to, residential and commercial projects.

If you wish to appoint Wentworth Shire Council as your certifier, you will be required to lodge the following post-consent applications via the portal:

  1. Construction Certificate Application, and
  2. Occupation Certificate Application.

Lodgement of these applications can be made before the determination of a Development Application; however, these applications will not be determined until the Development Application has been determined.

The appointment of Council as the Principal Certifier requires the completion of the Contract for the Performance of Certification Work, generally signed by the landowners and Council.

Council will provide you with a contract agreement for your completion following notification that you have lodged your Construction Certificate Application.

You will also be required to lodge an application on the Portal to appoint a Principal Certifier.

The contract, once signed by the landowners, is to be uploaded to the Planning Portal with the Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate application as a supporting document.

Subdivision or Civil works

A Subdivision Certificate is required for subdivision and civil works. Wentworth Shire Council can approve Subdivision Certificates for these works.

An application for Subdivision works will require the following post-consent application to be lodged:

  1. Subdivision Certificate Application.

Lodgement of these applications can be made before the determination of a Development Application; however, these applications will not be determined until the Development Application has been determined.

Application Fees for Construction Certificates

Application fees will be calculated by Council staff and provided to you in writing after we’ve received your application. Council aims to email you a fee estimate within 48 hours of receiving notification of the application being lodged. The assessment of your Construction Certificate will not commence until all outstanding fees have been paid, and the Development Application has been determined.

Extension to Wentworth preschool

Tender Reference PT2021/10
Closing date 3:00pm Friday 16 July 2021

Wentworth Shire Council is seeking tenders from NSW registered builders for the construction of the new Long Day Care Centre to be included along side the existing Preschool on Murray Street, Wentworth.

Tender documentation will be available from 8:30am Monday 28 June 2021.

Interested parties should contact the Roads and Engineering Department on 03 5027 5027 to request a copy of the tender documentation.

NSW Government launches Stand for Your Community – Diversity Counts campaign

The NSW Government is encouraging people from all walks of life to stand for their community and run for their council election as part of a new campaign to increase diversity in local government.

The Stand for Your Community – Diversity Counts campaign aims to increase the number of candidates from under-represented groups at the September 4 council elections.

The social media campaign is targeting women, younger people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents, and members of multicultural communities.

Increasing Indigenous representation in local government helps ensure Aboriginal culture, heritage and beliefs are taken into account when councils make important decisions for their local communities.

It is paramount that our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities have a seat at the decision-making table in the level of government closest to the community.

The NSW Government is also determined to close the gender gap in the local government sector.

Fewer than a third of the State’s 1,300 councils are women and that’s why we must do all we can to increase female representation in local government.

Our local councils must also reflect our culturally diverse communities which bring many benefits to NSW.

It’s important that this rich heritage and the views of our culturally diverse communities are heard in the local government decision-making process and that councils continue to play a key role in social cohesion and harmony.

Our councils also need young blood, with just four per cent of councillors aged under 30.