Water Connections

Applicants will need to contact Council to confirm if the property address is eligible for connections prior to payment being made.

Please complete the below form to apply for all water connections.

Associated Fees & Charges for Water Connection Applications

Tapping FeeFee (including GST)
Filtered water (20mm connection)$530.00
Unfiltered water (20mm connection)$530.00
Meter Charges
20mm meter – filtered$354.00
20mm meter – unfiltered$378.00
Misc Charges
Cut in new sewer junction (supervision fee only – applicant to supply all fittings)$223.00
Raw water signs$7.00
Legal point of discharge – stormwater$88.00
Flow control valve$70.00
View the full list of fees and charges.

Notice of Works

A Notice of Work (NoW) specifies plumbing and drainage work to be carried out.

By law, plumbers and drainers must submit a NoW before starting work, except in some circumstances, for example, in the case of emergency work or minor works where the location of fixtures does not change.

Download and complete the Notice of Work available from the NSW Fair Trading website.

Lodging Details 

By e-mail:

In Person: 
Council Office 
61 Darling Street 
Wentworth NSW 2648 

By Mail: 
Wentworth Shire Council 
PO Box 81 
Wentworth NSW 2648