Rural Road Safety Month – Heavy Vehicles

Trucks have larger blind spots than the average car which means truck drivers may not be able to see you.
Bicycle and motorcycle riders should take extra care when driving next to or behind a truck and be sure to stay out of their blind spots.

Cars and freight trucks on Gocup Road in regional NSW

Rural Road Safety Month – Speeding

Speeding is a factor in nearly 50% of all fatalities on country roads. Stay under the speed limit, drive to the conditions and slow down at curves.

NSW RFS Declares Bushfire Danger Period

NSW RFS Declares Bushfire Danger Period

Tuesday the 1st of October 2024 will mark the official start of the Lower Western statutory Bush Fire Danger Period (BFDP) with the RFS urging residents to ensure they are as prepared as possible.

Lower Western District Manager Superintendent Steve Walker is reminding Wentworth and Balranald Shire residents that fire permits will be required throughout the Bush Fire Danger Period.

View the full media release and Fact Sheet below:

Rural Road Safety Month – Rural Roads Statistics

Whether you’re a local or a visitor, it’s important to take care while driving through rural or regional areas to help reduce this statistic.

Rural Road Safety Month

The reality is, 85% of fatal crashes on country roads involve a country resident. We all have a part to play in keeping each other safe. Road safety starts with you this Rural Road Safety Month.

Rural Road Safety Month – Animals on Country Roads

Look out, animals about!
When driving in rural or regional areas, slow down,follow warning signs and stay alert – particularly around dusk or dawn.

More info

Rural Road Safety Month – Fatigue

Road safety starts with you. Check how tired you are before you drive, recognise the early warning signs, and know what to do to avoid driving tired.

Rural Road Safety Month – Speeding

Speeding is a factor in nearly 50% of all fatalities on country roads. Stay under the speed limit, drive to the conditions and slow down at curves.