
Please note:- while every effort is made to ensure that the current version of each policy is uploaded to the website, the information can only be relied on if the policy is verified by the General Manager as being the most recently adopted policy of council.

AF001Subdivision Deferred Payment ArrangementsCouncil Policy dealing with developer contributions and the arrangements that can be entered into for deferred payment.Download
AF002Finance For Future GrowthCouncil Policy for the administration of section 94 Developer contributions.Download
AF003Donations Contributions and Grants PolicyCouncil Policy outlining the way in which Council contributes money or grants financial assistance.Download
AF004Investment PolicyCouncil Policy guiding the investment of Council funds.Download
AF005Plant Replacement PolicyCouncil Policy dealing with the expected useful life and replacement schedule of Council's plant items.Download
AF006Private Works PolicyCouncil Policy outlining the way in which public can hire Council's plant and equipment items for private purposesDownload
AF007Rates Reduction of Developer CostsCouncil Policy to outline clear and appropriate procedures which will be undertaken by Wentworth Shire Council when rating unsold lots within a subdivision.Download
AF008Rating Sewerage Service PolicyCouncil Policy to outline clear and appropriate procedures which will be undertaken by Council when rating sewerage servicesDownload
AF009Financial Contributions Towards Community Facilities PolicyCouncil Policy to ensure the payment of financial contributions towards sporting facilities are paid prior to commencement of work.Download
AF011Subdivisions Water Right Transfer PolicyCouncil Policy to deal with providing secure water for future growth and development.Download
AF012Writing Off Rates Charges and Debt PolicyCouncil Policy is to fix an amount of rates and charges above which any individual rate or charge my be written off only by resolution of Council.Download
AF013Rates and Charges Financial Hardship PolicyCouncil Policy outlining the circumstances in which Council will provide assistance to ratepayers suffering substantial financial hardshipDownload
AF014Debt RecoveryCouncil Policy outlining clear and appropriate debt recovery procedures which will be undertaken by WSC.Download
AF015Borrowings & OverdraftCouncil Policy outlining the circumstances in which council may consider borrowings or other financial accommodation to fund the acquisition renewal or construction of specified assets and to provide guidance as to the appropriate terms of any such borrowings.Download
AF016Asset Management PolicyCouncil Policy setting guidelines for implementing systematic practices and coordinated activities to optimally manage Council assets as per the direction provided from the Community Strategic Plan.Download
AF017Use of Council VehiclesCouncil Policy guiding the conditions under which staff and Councillors may use Council vehicles.Download
AF018Asset Accounting PolicyCouncil Policy providing guidance in complying with accounting standards to classify the non-current assets of council.Download
CC001Tourism SignageCouncil Policy in relation to tourism signage.Download
CC003Flag Policy Protocols and GuidelinesCouncil Policy for the flying of flags on Wentworth Shire Council premisesDownload
CC004Acknowledgement to CountryCouncil Policy dealing with the agreed protocol for the acknowledgement of the traditional custodians.Download
CC005Diverse Communities PolicyCouncil Policy to implement the principles of multiculturalism throughout the organisation.Download
CC006Street Stalls and Raffle StandsCouncil Policy to outline the approval process for community and charitable organisations wanting to carry out street stall activities for the purpose of raising funds.Download
CC008Street TreesCouncil Policy for requests for tree removal maintenance or replacement and the planting of new trees within the Wentworth Shire Council area.Download
CC009Asbestos Management Policy and PlanCouncil Policy dealing with the management of asbestos within the Wentworth Shire Council local government area.Download
CC010Media PolicyCouncil Policy that governs the acceptable use of media and clarifies the responsibilities of Council officials, Volunteers and Contractors in both their personal and official use of all forms of media.Download
GOV001Gifts and Benefits PolicyCouncil Policy outlining the regulations and guidelines in relation to Council officials (including staff) receiving or accepting gifts or benefits.Download
GOV002Use of Communication DevicesCouncil Policy providing guidance for acceptable use of communication devices by Councillors & employees.Download
GOV003Fraud ControlCouncil Policy dealing with prevention of and action to be taken when fraud is detected.Download
GOV004Public Interest Disclosure PolicyCouncil Policy setting out how a report of wrongdoing can be made by Council employees (and by other public officials), how Council will deal with a report of serious wrongdoing (a public interest disclosure), and describing the protections available to public officials who report serious wrongdoing.Download
GOV005Procurement PolicyCouncil Policy providing a framework which will assist Wentworth Shire Council to obtain best value for our community through effective responsible and transparent procurement methods which comply with relevant legislation and the Code ofDownload
GOV007Privacy Management PolicyCouncil Policy for the responsible handling of personal information.Download
GOV008Public access to information held by CouncilCouncil Policy to describe Council's principles regarding public access to information and to facilitate the processing of requests for such access.Download
GOV009Delegated AuthorityCouncil Policy outlining the delegation of powers and functions from Council to the Mayor and Council to the General Manager.Download
GOV010Payment of Expenses & Provision of FacilitiesCouncil Policy outlining the payment of expenses and the provision of facilities to the mayor and the other councillors in relation to discharging the functions of civic office.Download
GOV011Councillor & Staff InteractionCouncil Policy governing councillor and staff interactions.Download
GOV012Complaint Management PolicyCouncil Policy outlining how complaints will be responded recorded and reported.Download
GOV013Enterprise Wide Risk Management PolicyCouncil Policy outlining an enterprise wide approach to Risk Management within theDownload
GOV016Related Party Disclosures PolicyCouncil's Policy setting out how Council's financial statements will comply with the disclosure requirements under the Australian Accounting Standard AASB 124Download
GOV018Code of Meeting PracticeCouncil Policy (based on the Model Code of Meeting Practice for Local Councils in NSW) applies to all meetings of council and committees of council of which all the members are councillors (committees of council).Download
GOV019Statement of Business EthicsCouncil Policy providing guidance for the private sector when entering into business arrangements with Wentworth Shire Council (WSC).Download
GOV020Code of ConductCouncil Policy (based on the Model Code of Conduct for local councils in NSW) setting the minimum standards of conduct for council officials.Download
GOV022Legislative Compliance PolicyDownload
GOV023Conflicts of Interest PolicyCouncil Policy outlining the responsibilities of Councilors and council staff.Download
GOV024Credit Card PolicyCouncil policy outlining the use of credit cards.Download
GOV025Contract Management PolicyDownload
GOV026Child Safety PolicyChild Safety PolicyDownload
GOV027Data Breach PolicyData Breach PolicyDownload
PR002Radioactive Waste PolicyCouncil Policy declaring council's opposition to dumping radioactive waste.Download
PR003Stormwater DrainageCouncil Policy relating to stormwater drainage.Download
PR004Swimming Pool Safety PolicyCouncil Policy to clearly identify the obligations of Council and the public in relation to the requirements applying to swimming pools as provided under the Swimming Pool Act and Regulations.Download
PR007Levee Bank Easement PolicyCouncil Policy identifying the obligations of Council landowners and the public in relation to the registered levees throughout the Shire.Download
PR008Enforcement & Prosecution of Local Orders PolicyCouncil Policy establishing a framework for enforcement and prosecution activities in respect to breaches of legislation administered by Council.Download
PR009Liquid Trade Waste PolicyCouncil Policy setting out how council will regulate sewerage and trade waste discharges to its sewerage system in accordance with the NSW Framework for Regulation of Sewerage and Trade Waste (section 3.1 on page 16)Download
PR010Kerbing & Guttering & FootpathsCouncil Policy to establish ratepayer contributions towards cost of paving kerbing and guttering.Download
PR011Mooring SitesCouncil Policy providing the framework for the assessment of mooring site applicationsDownload
PR012Fencing and GridsCouncil Policy for the replacement maintenance removal and fencing of grids within the ShireDownload
PR013Contaminated Lands PolicyCouncil Policy outlining the requirements relating to the use and / or development of land that is or may be contaminated.Download
PR014Cemetery and Memorial Management PolicyCouncil Policy for the management of cemeteries and memorials within the Wentworth Shire Council Local Government Area (LGA).Download
PR015Keeping of Animals at Residential PropertiesCouncil Policy to control the type and number of animals that can be kept within various planning zones within the Shire.Download
PR016Mobile Food Vending Vehicle PolicyCouncil Policy guiding the approval for outdoor high quality food vending activities.Download
PR017Weed Inspection PolicyCouncil Policy to define standards for the planning and conduct of weed inspections within the Wentworth Shire Local Council area.Download
PR018Provision of Electricity Supply and Telecommunication Service for SubdivisionsProvision of Electricity Supply and Telecommunication Service for SubdivisionsDownload
PR019Conflict of Interest Management Policy for Council Related DevelopmentConflict of Interest Management Policy for Council Related DevelopmentDownload
WR002Employment Provisions PolicyCouncil Policy outlining the employment provisions that are provided to employees and more particularly, clearly highlights any variations or additional considerations to entitlements that are provided under the award.Download
WR003Staff Learning & DevelopmentCouncil Policy for developing and providing appropriate training for staff.Download
WR004Contractor Occupational Health and Safety ManagementCouncil Policy establishing the WHS requirements for the selection engagement and control of contractors and service providers.Download
WR005Workplace Health and SafetyCouncil Policy to demonstrate council's commitment to the provision of a physical & mentally healthy work environment in accordance with the NSW legislative framework established under the WHS Act 2011 - WHS Regulation 2017.Download
WR006VolunteersCouncil Policy to ensure that volunteers working at WSC have work that is safe significantDownload
WR007Designated Officers of Council PolicyCouncil Policy establishing Designated Officers within the staffing structure of Council.Download
WR008Automated External DefibrillatorsCouncil Policy for the provision and installation of Automated External Defibrillators (AED) at Council fixed sites.Download