Major Wentworth Hospital funding in NSW Budget
Wentworth Shire Council is excited by the $30 million of funding granted to the Wentworth Health Service Redevelopment announced in Tuesday’s NSW State Budget.
The hospital redevelopment will receive $0.5 million in 2021-22 for the commencement of the $30 million project for which Wentworth Shire Council has advocated in collaboration with the Far West Local Health District.
Wentworth Shire Council Mayor Susan Nichols said the funding was a huge milestone for Wentworth.
“Wentworth has been crying out for an upgrade to the hospital for years and this funding goes a long way towards making that happen,” Cr Nichols said.
“It has long been fought for by both the existing Council and former Mayor Melisa Hederics and it is wonderful to see the effort paying off.
“This and the other projects funded in the budget will ensure the sustainability and viability of the Wentworth Shire for years to come.”
Wentworth Shire Council area NSW budget highlights:
- $0.5 million in 2021-22 (as part of a $30.0 million project) for the commencement of the Wentworth Health Service Redevelopment.
- $250,000 in 2021-22 for the refurbishment of the Dareton Health Facility.
- Commence construction of the Buronga HealthOne facility, as part of the $100 million HealthOne Strategy.
- $0.5 million in 2021-22 (as part of $0.9 million State funding) for the relocation project of the Wentworth Visitor Information Centre.
- $4.5 million in 2021-22 for the sealing of the Pooncarie Road in far west NSW, delivering safer, faster and more reliable journeys and boosting tourism and freight productivity (State and Federal Funded).
- $3.3 million in 2021-22 (as part of a $8.4 million Restart package) for Wentworth Aerodrome Upgrade.