Major Wentworth Hospital funding in NSW Budget

Wentworth Shire Council is excited by the $30 million of funding granted to the Wentworth Health Service Redevelopment announced in Tuesday’s NSW State Budget.

The hospital redevelopment will receive $0.5 million in 2021-22 for the commencement of the $30 million project for which Wentworth Shire Council has advocated in collaboration with the Far West Local Health District.

Wentworth Shire Council Mayor Susan Nichols said the funding was a huge milestone for Wentworth.

 “Wentworth has been crying out for an upgrade to the hospital for years and this funding goes a long way towards making that happen,” Cr Nichols said.

“It has long been fought for by both the existing Council and former Mayor Melisa Hederics and it is wonderful to see the effort paying off.

“This and the other projects funded in the budget will ensure the sustainability and viability of the Wentworth Shire for years to come.”

Wentworth Shire Council area NSW budget highlights:

  • $0.5 million in 2021-22 (as part of a $30.0 million project) for the commencement of the Wentworth Health Service Redevelopment.
  • $250,000 in 2021-22 for the refurbishment of the Dareton Health Facility.
  • Commence construction of the Buronga HealthOne facility, as part of the $100 million HealthOne Strategy.
  • $0.5 million in 2021-22 (as part of $0.9 million State funding) for the relocation project of the Wentworth Visitor Information Centre.
  • $4.5 million in 2021-22 for the sealing of the Pooncarie Road in far west NSW, delivering safer, faster and more reliable journeys and boosting tourism and freight productivity (State and Federal Funded).
  • $3.3 million in 2021-22 (as part of a $8.4 million Restart package) for Wentworth Aerodrome Upgrade.

Rural Aid here for local rural communities

Rural Aid is committed to supporting and empowering rural communities before, during and after natural disasters.

Established in 2015, Rural Aid has become one of Australia’s leading rural charities and is founded on the principles of compassion, hope, reverence and determination.

Rural Aid’s counselling services and community programs support the creation of more sustainable and resilient rural communities as we work towards stronger futures for all Australian farmers and communities.

Rural Aid also provides critical support to assist farmers and communities before, during and after disasters such as drought, flood and fire.

As an independent, not-for-profit organisation, Rural Aid relies on the generosity of industry partners and supporters who fundraise, donate and volunteer to help farming families throughout Australia.

Its supporters make a real difference to the lives of rural communities by providing practical, on-the-ground support through Rural Aid.

Broken Hill to host a Getting Women Elected forum

Broken Hill City Council will be hosting a free Australian Local Government’s Women’s Association forum on Friday 11 June 2021 at 4:00pm.

These forums are currently being held for member councils across NSW for potential women candidates.

The forum is run by ALGWA Executive members, with input from female councillors from the host council.

The commencement of the forum includes a welcome speech by the host council Mayor, followed by the first half of the presentation by ALGWA.

Half-way through there will be a short break, before the final part of the presentation.

A Q&A will follow at the conclusion of the presentation.

ALGWA requires all attendees to fill in a feedback form.

The content will cover the current climate across NSW in local government, particularly a snapshot of female representation and the steps involved in running as a candidate for local government.

It will also involve discussion of the lives experiences of councillors in the ALGWA executive from all walks of life.

Potential attendees can register for the in-person or online forum at

Opportunity for businesses to supply for energy project

Transgrid has financially committed to the construction of EnergyConnect, the new transmission link from Wagga Wagga in NSW to Robertstown in South Australia via Buronga, and is now calling for local businesses to help.

EnergyConnect will deliver significant benefits for NSW Electricity customers, the NSW economy and the National Electricity Market.

These benefits include:
• Savings for NSW customers of around $180 million a year, or up to $64 annually on an average household electricity bill
• Creating 1,500 jobs during construction
• Contributing a further $4 billion in economic activity for NSW
• A more secure electricity system at times of high demand and extreme weather events
• Downward pressure on wholesale electricity prices through greater supply, diversity and competition
• Facilitating investment in and connection of more renewable, zero carbon generation in NSW

What this means on the ground

TransGrid and construction partners SecureEnergy are committed to ensuring communities and businesses share in the opportunities created by the project, as well as maximising employment and training opportunities in regional NSW.

Connect with the project via ICN Gateway

Industry Capability Network will be assisting the project to identify local business’s with the capability to support the project and will be calling for expressions of interest via ICN Gateway.

Industry Capability Network Regional Manager, Geoff Reardon, is looking to identify businesses in the region interested in working with and/or supplying to the project.

The project will be looking to engage with many different types of business. Geoff will be heading to the region over the coming months.

If you would like speak with Geoff Reardon in relation to the project, please make contact via email or give him a call on 0402 632 027.

New license application process for asbestos and demolition

The NSW Government is making it easier and faster to apply for asbestos and demolition licences in NSW by digitising the application process.  

The new, easy-to-use digital application will save individuals and businesses time by reducing the number of steps and the amount of paperwork needed, and moving away from postal applications. 

Applicants will still need to book an appointment at a Service NSW Centre to prove their identity in person within 30 days of submitting the application. 

The new digital process only applies to new asbestos and demolition licence applications. For renewals, licence holders will need to follow the previous process.  

Which licences does this affect?  


  • Class A friable asbestos. 
  • Class A friable asbestos fire doors and safes only.  
  • Class B non-friable asbestos.  


  • Demolition licence (DE1). 
  • Restricted demolition licence (DE2). 

How to apply 

To view the eligibility criteria, including relevant certification and proof of identity documentation, and to apply for a new asbestos removal licence, visit:

For demolition licence applications, visit:  

Changes to lodgement of applications

Development Applications, Subdivision, Construction, Complying Development, Occupation Certificates, Principal Certifier Appointments and Building Information Certificate

Applications must be lodged via the NSW Planning Portal.

All of these application types will come to Council via the Portal.

The key benefits to you of the Portal are:

  • Lodgement of your applications without having to make the trip to Council
  • Significant time saved on plan and document printing
  • You can view the progress of your application on the portal

More information about online lodgement is available on the NSW Planning Portal .

For further information regarding lodgement of development application, CDC and Post consent certificate please refer to the following documents:

This system has been introduced by the NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment.

See Planning & Development / Planning & Building process / ePlanning General Information for an overview

Willow Bend Caravan Park to close for upgrade

Willow Bend Caravan Parkis now closed for upgrade works to start on 1 February 2022.

Wentworth Shire Council decided at 26 May’s Extraordinary Meeting to close the park for upgrade works to proceed following consultation with the Caravan Park Managers.

This was in preference to the previously anticipated two-stage approach in order to streamline the construction phase and cause less disruption to the caravan park business.

With the recent announcement of grant funding from the Drought Community Extension Fund and Crown Reserve Improvement Fund Council can now facilitate the required upgrade in a single stage approach.

Wentworth Shire Council is expecting plans and specifications for the upgrade to be completed by 30 June 2021.

At the May Ordinary Council Meeting Council resolved to endorse the detailed site plans of the project works to enable the project to advance to the tender stage.

To date Council has successfully delivered preliminary works including a feature survey of the site, fencing, the demolition of the old residence and the replacement of the residence and office.

Also undertaken has been the relocation of the old camp kitchen, its replacement, and an electrical upgrade to support the future expansion as well as filling of the site for protection up to a 1 in 20 year flood event.

Wentworth Shire Council Mayor Susan Nichols looked forward to the upgrade’s completion.

“In this COVID-19 affected era we have seen how important regional tourism will be now that international travel isn’t a viable option,” Cr Nichols said.

“By closing down the Willow Bend Caravan Park and completing the upgrade in one stage we can get the park back to full capacity sooner and welcome more visitors to stay in our Shire.”

Pastoral Poddy launches to great fanfare in the Western Region

Whether you’re behind the wheel, working in the shed or relaxing at home, do yourself a favour and start listening to the Pastoral Poddy — a podcast for landholders, community members and industry on all things pertinent to the rangelands of Western NSW.

That’s the message from Western Local Land Services, who have worked with local landholders, ag advisors and industry representatives to deliver a professional and insightful podcast series on a range of animal health topics with a Western NSW focus.

The first five Pastoral Poddy episodes cover:

• Pregnancy scanning

• Pre-lambing nutrition

• Ewe reproduction strategies

• Weaner management

• Farming goats

Team Leader of Agriculture, Gemma Turnbull was pleased to see the Pastoral Poddy drop to rave reviews.

“It’s been an interesting process speaking with so many knowledgeable people who have only been too happy to share their insights and experiences,” Ms Turnbull said.

“Everyone involved is really pleased with the final product and we hope everyone enjoys listening to the episodes as much as we enjoyed developing them.

“We have launched the first five episodes and are currently working on the next five which will be available later this year. To ensure you don’t miss out on any future content please subscribe to the Pastoral Poddy and tell a mate about it.”

The Pastoral Poddy is free to listen to on all major podcast apps including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify – simply search for ‘Pastoral Poddy’ on your usual podcast provider.

To access and listen to the episodes, or get further information, visit, or contact a member of Western Local Land Services Agricultural team on 1300 795 299.