Illegal Dumping


The NSW Illegal Dumping Strategy 2014–2016 is an integrated approach to the problem of illegal waste dumping. It coordinates action on education, enforcement and infrastructure to prevent people from dumping illegally, and to take strong action against those who persist in doing the wrong thing.

The NSW Government’s commitment to reducing illegal dumping is clear. The target is to reduce the incidence of large-scale illegal dumping in Sydney, the Illawarra, Hunter and Central Coast by 30 per cent by 2016.

This commitment is backed by significant funding: $58 million over five years to tackle illegal dumping across NSW. This funding will support a range of innovative solutions to illegal dumping, delivered in partnership with councils, industry and the community under the NSW Illegal Dumping Strategy 2022 – 2027(PDF 200KB).

Tough new penalties

In 2013 the NSW Government introduced tough new laws to help combat illegal dumping, including a prison sentence of up to two years for repeat illegal dumpers. In May 2014, the NSW Government announced significant increases for penalty notice amounts for illegal dumping under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (the POEO Act). The increased penalty notice amounts are now the toughest penalty in Australia for this type of offence, with fines up to $15,000. These measures will act as strong deterrents to illegal dumping, and, together with the actions outlined in the Illegal Dumping Strategy, will empower landowners, land managers and local communities to effectively combat illegal dumping.

More information

Waste and Resource Recovery Branch
Illegal Dumping Coordination Unit


If you see household items, such as furniture or electrical appliances, tree and plant clippings or building and construction waste dumped by the side of the road or in the bush please report it to the EPA using RIDonline

When a report is submitted the EPA will alert the relevant local council to the incident so they can respond in the most appropriate way. By submitting a report you are also helping the EPA to develop a comprehensive statewide database of illegal dumping incidents. This will enable hot spots to be identified and strategies to be developed to help improve your local area.

Anyone caught illegally dumping can be issued with an on the spot fine from the EPA of up to $7500 ($15,000 for companies).

RIDonline can be accessed from a smartphone, tablet or desktop computer and is very easy to use. You will be asked to upload a picture (if you have one) of the items that have been dumped, confirm the location of the incident and enter some details about what items have been dumped. It will only take a minute or two to submit a report and you will be helping the EPA take action to reduce illegal dumping in your neighbourhood.

Visit to make a report now or add the link to your favourites to make it easy to find when you need it.

For more information about illegal dumping, including reporting, cleaning up, prevention or accepting fill visit the EPA’s Illegal waste dumping page.

To report emergency incidents and for more information about who to contact, visit the EPA’s Reporting illegal dumping page.