Rates Information
To de-register from this service or change your email address you can use the same link and select “Cancel email delivery”.
To register or de-register you will need a recent rates or instalment notice to enter some security information for verification purposes.
Please note that the registration/de-registration process is managed by our Service provider-Print Mail Logistices (PML) and you will be directed to a secure site managed by this Service Provider. Registration/de-registration confirmation emails will also be from PML on behalf of Wentworth Shire Council.
Pensioner Rebates
You may be eligible to apply for a pensioner rebate if you hold a current pensioner concession card and are responsible for payment of rates. To find out if you are eligible see the face sheet attached to the below application form.
To apply for a pension rebate you must produce your pension card and complete a Pensioner Concession Application Form and return it to Council.
Application for Council Pensioner Concession Rates Rebate – Application Form