Land Use Zones
What is Land Use Zoning?
Land Use Zoning classifies the type of development allowed on a parcel of land.
Employment Zones
Employment zones commence within Wentworth Local Environmental Plan on 26 April 2023. From 26 April 2023, in a document (other than a state environmental planning policy) a reference to a former zone under an environmental planning instrument is taken to include a reference to a new zone under the environmental planning instrument.
To determine the new zone for previously zoned Business and Industrial zoned land please refer to the published equivalent zones tables.
NB: Document means an Act, statutory or other instrument, contract or agreement, and includes a document issued or made under or for the purposes of an Act or statutory or other instrument.”
What are the development land use zones within Wentworth Local Government Area?
Development Land Use Zones within the Wentworth Local Government Area include:
C4 Environmental Living
E1 Local Centre
E3 Productivity Support
E4 General Industrial
RU1 Primary Production
RU4 Primary Production Small Lots
RU5 Village
How do I find out the land use zones within Wentworth Local Government Area?
For land zones within the Wentworth LGA, refer to Council Public IntraMaps or the NSW Planning Portal.
Council Public IntraMaps
NSW Planning Portal Spatial Viewer
For further information on Land Use Zones you refer to the Wentworth Local Environmental Plan 2011 or contact the Wentworth Shire Council Health & Planning Division on (03) 5027 5027 or via email