Planning Proposal Requests

A planning proposal is a request to Council to amend the Wentworth Local Environmental Plan 2011 (LEP) through the ‘Gateway’ process.

LEPs provide the legislative framework for land use and development in a Local Government Area (LGA) through land use zones and planning controls. LEPs consist of a written instrument and a series of maps. Anyone wishing to propose an amendment to the LEP should contact Council prior to preparing a planning proposal and lodging an application. A pre-lodgement meeting is necessary to discuss the rezoning process, information requirements and the merits of what will be proposed.

For information and guidance on the process for preparing planning proposals, please refer to the NSW Government Department of Planning, Industry & Environment “Guide to preparing planning proposals” via the following link: Planning Proposals: A guide to preparing planning proposals (

Planning proposals and amendments to state wide LEPs can be viewed in the State Government’s Planning Portal via the following link: Planning Proposals | Planning Portal – Department of Planning and Environment (

A planning proposal application form can be accessed via the following link: Planning Proposal Application Form