Emergency Services
For all Emergencies call 000

Automated External Defibrillators
In case of a medical emergency, defibrillators can be located throughout Wentworth Shire.
Emergency Call Australia
The Emergency Call Australia iPhone App has a new feature that allows users to transmit to their two saved emergency contacts a text message advising them that they have made an emegrency call including the following information:
- They have called Triple-Zero (000), SES or Police Non-Emergency
- The Address
- The longitude & latitude
Be Prepared: Download the Emergency Plus FREE app here
Local Emergency Service Contacts
NSW Rural Fire Service
Lower Western
58-60 Mitchell Avenue
PO Box 341
Dareton NSW 2717
Phone (03) 5027 4422
Fax (03) 5027 7921
email lowerwesternzone@rfs.nsw.gov.au
132 500