
Wentworth Shire Council has transitioned to the VendorPanel platform for tenders and high-value procurement. This move marks a commitment to streamline and modernize the procurement experience for both Council and its valued suppliers.

Registration Process:

  • Identify your business’s primary contact: choose an appropriate email address (e.g. admin@company.com.au)
  • Visit the VendorPanel Marketplace: vendorpanel.com.au/wentworth/marketplace
  • Select the Best Category: Search and select the most suitable category for your business within the platform.
  • Complete Your Profile: Click on the link you receive via email to complete your profile, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information is completed.
  • Invite Additional Users: Enhance collaboration by inviting additional users as colleagues within your VendorPanel profile.

VendorPanel Links

Late Tenders will not be considered.

Current Tenders

Darling Street Concrete Footpath Upgrade

One (1) Diesel Engine Light Tip Truck