Planning / Development Consent

There are three main types of Development Consent, these are:

Exempt Development

Low impact development such as some garden sheds, carports, balconies, pergolas and fences could be classed as Exempt Development and would not require Council Approval.

For more information on Exempt Development, visit the NSW Planning Portal – Exempt Development or contact the Health & Planning Division on (03) 5027 5027 or via email

Complying Development

Complying Development is a fast-track single approval process for straightforward development proposals such as sheds, carports, pergolas, home renovations and additions or a new home up to 2 storeys. Providing your development meets the Complying Development Criteria (e.g floor area, setback of boundaries and site coverage) it can be assessed and determined by either Council or a Private Certifier.

For more information on Exempt Development, visit the NSW Planning Portal – Complying Development or contact the Health & Planning Division on (03) 5027 5027 or via email

Guide to Complying Development

Development Application (DA)

Refer to Council’s Development Applications Fact Sheet


If you don’t feel competent in preparing your own application, you should engage professional services assistance. There are many sources of professional assistance such as architects, planning consultants, builders and surveyors.

Works approved as part of a development consent must be commenced within five years from the date shown on the determination, unless otherwise stated. The lapse date will also be mentioned on the determination.

The lapse date does not change, even if you modify your development consent.

The same period of five years applies for works approved under Complying Development.

Yes, you can. A Development Application can be modified under Section 4.55 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

There are 3 types of modification available, these are:

Minor – s4.55(1)

Indicate minor error, misdescription or miscalculation.

Minimal Environmental Impact – s4.55(1A)

Give details of the proposed modification and the expected impacts of those modifications.

Other – s4.55(2)

Give details of the proposed modification, the expected impacts and the reasons for seeking these modifications. Provide evidence that the development (as to be modified) will remain substantially the same as the approved development. (Please refer to relevant conditions of development consent where appropriate).

BASIX is an initiative that was introduced by the NSW Government. BASIX ensures homes are built to be more energy efficient.

A BASIX Certificate is required for:

  • all new habitable buildings
  • alterations and additions over $50,000
  • swimming pools and spas with a capacity of 40,000 litres or more

For further information or to apply visit: