Wentworth Shire Libraries is looking for feedback

Wentworth Shire Libraries would like to receive feedback from community members and library visitors.

Your feedback can help to tailor the future programs, events and services that the Libraries provide.

2023 Mayoral Election Results

Wentworth Shire Council has formally elected Councillor Daniel Linklater as Mayor and Councillor Susan Nichols as Deputy Mayor during the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Wednesday 20 September.

The former Mayor of Wentworth Shire, Councillor Tim Elstone was congratulated by Mayor Linklater on his time in the role.

“Tim is a consummate community man and for the last 7 years has served as either Deputy or Mayor. Councillor Elstone has led us through the recent flood experience, which I don’t believe like anyone else could in this room. It was a 7 day a week commitment and the community thanks you for that. I also thank you for your encouragement to me and your mentoring, I look forward to continuing to work with you.”

“I would like to thank the chamber for your support, it is really humbling to be elected by this community and an honour to be supported by my peers here. It is my intention to serve as collaboratively as possible.” Councillor Linklater said.

Former Mayor Elstone who held the role of Mayor from 10 January 2022, and Deputy Mayor since 2016, commended his fellow Councillors for their involvement and participation during his term with Council.

Councillor Jane MacAllister stood against fellow Councillor Daniel Linklater for the Mayoral role and against Councillor Susan Nichols for nomination of Deputy Mayor.

Council will next meet on Wednesday 18 October from 7:00pm at the Wentworth Shire Council Chambers.

To view the Councillors of Wentworth Shire Council, visit: https://www.wentworth.nsw.gov.au/…/about…/councillors/

Bush Fire Danger Period & Fire Permits

From Sunday 1 October 2023, the NSW Rural Fire Service Lower Western District Bush Fire Danger Period will commence and Fire Permits will be required to burn. Fire Permits are free and can be easily obtained by contacting the Fire Control Centre on (03) 5027 4422. For further information, visit the NSW Rural Fire Service website.

Wentworth Aerodrome/ADFA Group Flight Training Proposal – UPDATE 13 September 2023

Wentworth Shire Council will meet with submission makers whom have submitted concerns for the ADFA Group proposal, involving the use of Wentworth Aerodrome for circuit training of cadet pilots. The discussion between associated parties will be held on a date that is yet to be set.

Following recent public conjecture regarding the proposal, Wentworth Shire Council will further discuss with submission makers individually, giving the opportunity to present their positions on the matter.

This process will evaluate all sides of the proposal, to determine:

  • benefits for the Wentworth community and sustainability of Wentworth Aerodrome operations,
  • local tourism attraction impacts and opportunities,

Please note that the pre-mentioned proposal from ADFA Group will not be presented to Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting at 7:00pm, Wednesday 20 September 2023.

Council will meet for a formal Council resolution regarding the matter at a later date, once each submission has been presented for Council consideration.

Have your say: Wentworth Hospital history to be reflected in redevelopment

The $30 million Wentworth Health Service Redevelopment is taking shape with construction of the new hospital to commence soon.

To ensure the hospital’s rich history is reflected in the new facility, a history display is being developed to celebrate its past and to connect patients and visitors with Wentworth. The Wentworth community is welcomed to share their ideas, stories and memories from over the last 80 years by completing the online History Display survey, accessible at: rb.gy/18hgi

The survey closes on Friday 29 September 2023. 

For more information about the Wentworth Health Service Redevelopment, please visit: wentworthredevelopment.health.nsw.gov.au

Wentworth Aerodrome/ADFA Group Flight Training Proposal

Wentworth Shire Council is in receipt of a Commercial in Confidence document from the Aerodynamic Flight Academy Group (ADFA), requesting consideration of a proposal for limited usage for a 3 month trial period of Wentworth Aerodrome for flight training purposes.

The ADFA Group is a conglomeration of four flight training schools, being Pearson Aviation, Air Queensland, Clamback and Hennessey, and the Aerodynamic Flight Academy (also known as ADFA). All these schools operate together under one entity, the ADFA Group, under the authority of CASA Air Operators Certificates, and approvals to conduct Part 141 and 142 Flight Training.

Following recent public conjecture regarding the matter, Wentworth Shire Council and ADFA Group have agreed to share certain details of the proposition to Wentworth Shire residents.

The ADFA Group proposes to establish a user agreement with Council for the purpose of pilot training at Wentworth Aerodrome.

Under this proposal, two aircraft would conduct circuit training from Wentworth Aerodrome over an estimated 200 days of the year. The proposed training is nominated to be conducted on weekdays only.

Accompanying the request is a draft Fly Neighbourly Policy with aspects of hours of operation, air traffic safety and noise considerations would complement the agreement if implemented.

Should adequate detail be available, the matter will be presented to Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting at 7:00pm, Wednesday 20 September 2023 in Council Chambers, Wentworth.

Life Skills Survey

Life Skills Survey

Are you aged 16-24 (or know someone who is) and want to be part of something that will help young people in New South Wales?

The NSW Office for Regional Youth are working on an exciting project with the Department of Customer Service to help young people make sense of becoming an adult.

In their Life Skills survey, they want to find out what ‘adulting’ skills are important to you and how confident you feel about them.

The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers, they just want your opinion.

Make your voice heard by 13 September 2023.