Public Exhibitions / Hearings
Council will often place documents or policies on public exhibition. These documents can be reviewed at Council’s offices located at 61 Darling Street, Wentworth, on this page, or alternatively at various locations as identified. If no documents are listed on this page, there may be no public exhibition at present. Contact Council on (03) 5027 5027 for more information.
Development Applications on Public Exhibition
The community is invited to make submissions to the Development Applications listed below. Submissions are to be delivered to Wentworth Shire Council by email via or by mail to PO Box 81 WENTWORTH NSW 2648.
Submissions must:
- Clearly identify the matter to which the submission relates
- State the grounds for any support or objection expressed in the submission
- Include appropriate contact details
Submissions are NOT kept confidential. We release submissions when a request is made in accordance with privacy laws and the relevant provisions under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
When we do release a submission by law, we routinely withhold contact numbers, email addresses and signatures. Should you wish for all personal details or any information that may identify you be withheld from the public, please let us know in your submission.
Where required under legislation, submissions are placed on the NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s concurrence and referral portal. Even where confidentiality is requested, personal information within these will be available to applicants and external agencies.
For further information please contact Wentworth Shire Council Health & Planning Division on 03 5027 5027.