Name: Dwelling
Location: 13 Armstrong Avenue, Wentworth
Use: Dwelling
Constructed: 1910
Demolished: 0
Theme: Township
Condition: Fair

Statement of Heritage Significance:

A single storey brick federation dwelling with high gambrel roof. The front extension features a large gable decorated with timber fretwork and a curved finial. The gable forms an awning over the front window which is set in a bay extension. The gable awning is supported by decorative wooden brackets. The front and side verandahs are supported by turned timber posts. The elaborate front and side doors have large diamond shape glass panels set in panelled and patterned timber work. The attractive dwelling compliments the adjacent dwelling of similar style. Both dwellings are set amidst large trees, including a palm tree, typical planting of the constructional years.


Maintenance of facade including upgrading of front gable.


Recording Date: 13/12/1988

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