Western Region Sport and Active Recreation Transport Program

The cost of transport to travel is a significant barrier for people living in the far west of the state to participate in sport and active recreation. The program will play an important role in supporting more active communities.

What is the Western Region Sport and Active Recreation Transport Program? 

The Western Region Sport and Active Recreation Program will provide funding assistance to community organisations in the far west region of NSW to enable them to participate in sports and active recreation.  

The sport and active recreation sector is community driven. Sport and active recreation contributes to community identity and cohesion creating more active, healthier communities.

Who can apply for assistance?

Organisations applying must be located within a Western Region Transport Program area of NSW (West of the Newell Highway). 

The eligible groups to apply include: 

  • sporting teams, clubs, and associations (junior and senior) 
  • active recreation clubs and/or associations (junior and senior) 
  • not-for-profit organisations providing sport and active recreation 
  • schools located in an eligible area.

Applications will be open on 30 January 2023.
Applications will stay open throughout the two-year pilot program.

Further information and feedback
For more information, please contact Donna Coady, Aboriginal Service Development Officer. 
Email: donna.coady@transport.nsw.gov.au