Whilst Wentworth Shire Council endeavors to maintain the information listed, please contact each group directly for more information.

Alcheringa Tennis ClubGol GolEmail: alcheringatennisclub@gmail.com
Website: play.tennis.com.au/alcheringatennisclub
Coomealla Club Angling ClubSilver City Hwy, DaretonSecretary: Margaret Gibson
Phone: 0403 592 283
Website: coomeallaclub.com.au/club-sports/angling
Coomealla Golf ClubKookaburra Drive, DaretonGolf Club: (03) 5027 4517
Pro Shop: (03) 5027 4658
Website: coomeallaclub.com.au/club-sports/golf-club
Coomealla Lawn Bowling ClubSilver City Hwy, DaretonPhone: 0419 384 185
Website: coomeallaclub.com.au/club-sports/lawn-bowls
Coomealla Mildura Mountainless Bike ClubMatong Street, DaretonWebsite: mountainlessbikeclub.net.au
Website: coomeallaclub.com.au/club-sports/mountainless-bike-club
Coomealla Wentworth Cricket ClubGeorge Gordon Oval, DaretonEmail: coomeallawentworthcricket@gmail.com
Website: cwcc.vic.cricket.com.au
Curlwaa Islanders Cricket ClubMemorial Road, CurlwaaPhone: 0402 227 898
Website: My Cricket - Curlwaa Islanders Cricket Club
Gol Gol Football / Netball ClubCarramar Drive, Gol GolEmail: golgolhawksfnc@gmail.com
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Mildura Coomealla Cycling ClubCoomealla & MilduraEmail: info@m-ccc.com.au
Website: m-ccc.com.au
Murray Darling Amateur Swimming ClubWentworth & DaretonEmail: murraydarlingasc@gmail.com
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Pooncarie Racing ClubPooncarie, NSWEmail: pooncarierc@gmail.com
Website: racingnswcountry.com.au/club/pooncarie-racing-club
Wentworth and District Football & Netball ClubGeorge Gordon Oval, DaretonEmail: wentyroos@gmail.com
Website: wdfnc.com.au
Wentworth and District Rowing ClubWharf Road, WentworthEmail: wentworthdrc@gmail.com
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Wentworth Angling ClubFort Courage, Via WentworthPhone: (03) 5027 3097
Email: admin@fortcourage.com.au
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Wentworth Bowling ClubSporting Complex, Beverley Street, WentworthPhone: (03) 5027 3024
Email: bowlswentworth@gmail.com
Website: wentworth.bowls.com.au
Wentworth District Racing ClubArmstrong Ave, WentworthPhone: 0429 413 110
Email: info@wentworthraces.com.au
Website: wentworthraces.com.au
Wentworth Golf ClubSporting Complex, Beverley Street, WentworthEmail: hankinsonhg@gmail.com
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Wentworth Pistol ClubOld Wentworth Road, WentworthPhone: (03) 5027 2167
Wentworth Rifle ClubOld Wentworth Road, WentworthPhone: (03) 5027 6295
Wentworth Tennis ClubSporting Complex, Beverley Street, WentworthEmail: wwdtennisclub@gmail.com
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