Wentworth Showgrounds Sewer Upgrade

With support from the Crown Reserve Improvement Fund’s Showgrounds Stimulus Program Council is undertaking works at the Wentworth Showgrounds to replace multiple septic systems with a combination of gravity and pressure sewage network to cater for the rise in usage of the facilities.

These works include:

  • Installation of a gravity sewer system;
  • Installation of a central Sewer Pump Station to connect to the existing rising main;
  • Decommissioning of old septic tank systems throughout the Showgrounds and connecting plumbing to the network.

Council engaged the services of MH2 Engineering & Architectural Services for the design with works undertaken by Waters Excavations PTY LTD.

Construction commenced on 16 November and is well underway with just over 100 metres of pipe and 5 Ezipits installed so far.

The project concludes in early February with the installation of the sewer pump station, electrical switchboard, testing and commissioning.