Apply for a community road safety grant
- Since 2015, Transport for NSW has funded more than 220 road safety community projects through the Community Road Safety Grants (CRSG) program.
- The grants aim to provide community groups with the opportunity to implement small scale, local projects within their communities that align with the 2026 Road Safety Action Plan.
- The projects help increase road safety awareness and support safer road use through education about safer behaviours – with the goal of reducing road trauma.
Round 10 opened on Monday 5 August and closes at 4pm on Monday 16 September 2024.
Who can apply?
- Applicants must be financially viable community-based and charity/not-for-profit organisations.These include:
– Incorporated community associations
– Community trusts
– Registered not-for-profit/charities
– Social enterprises - National organisations are eligible to apply, however the project must be implemented in NSW, and must be delivered by an NSW-based office.
- Applicants need to review the guidelines to check eligibility and selection criteria.
Grants of up to $5,000 and up to $30,000 are available.
The application process
Projects must align with the 2026 Road Safety Action Plan and the Towards Zero strategy. They should also align with theSafe System approachto road safety.
Assessment is made against the following selection criteria:
– demonstrated road safety need for the project
– contribution to improving local community road safety
– organisational capacity to support project delivery
– value for money
– project monitoring and evaluation.
- A list of previous recipients and case studies are available on the Community Road Safety Grants website.
Applications are only accepted via the SmartyGrants portal. The link is available on the Community Road Safety Grants webpage.
Tips for applicants
- Once an application is created in SmartyGrants, it can be saved and completed later – as long as it is submitted by 4pm on 16 September.
- When answering questions, applicants should write their answer in the field provided – questions should not be answered with ‘see the attachment’.
- If attachments are added, applicants should make sure they contain only information relevant to the application and project.
- If another organisation is supporting the project, applicants should attach a letter of support/endorsement.
- Before submitting, applicants should double-check the “funding amount requested” field is correct.
When the application is ready, applicants should make sure they click to submit the application. They will then receive an email confirmation.
If you have any questions, email: